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Leading Speakers for Major Events in 2024

As we approach 2024, events on the global stage are set to define the narrative of the year. At Evolve, we recognise the pivotal role speakers play in shaping these moments. From the intensity of a general election to the global dialogue at Cop29, or from the celebration of diversity during Pride to the recognition […]

8 Jan 2024
Top Speakers

As we approach 2024, events on the global stage are set to define the narrative of the year. At Evolve, we recognise the pivotal role speakers play in shaping these moments.

From the intensity of a general election to the global dialogue at Cop29, or from the celebration of diversity during Pride to the recognition of historical narratives in Black History Month – each event demands a speaker who can leave a lasting impact.

In this blog post, we highlight some of the major events in 2024 providing you with the very best speakers related to these events so that you can secure the right speaker for your event.

General Election

As the 2024 General Election looms large on the horizon, the role of impactful speakers becomes paramount. During political discourse and public engagement, the right speaker can set the tone and elevate discussions. Let’s have a look at some of the best speakers for the general election.

Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell, a seasoned political strategist, communicator, and author, embodies the qualities of an exceptional speaker. With a wealth of experience as the former Director of Communications and Strategy for Prime Minister Tony Blair, Alastair brings a unique perspective on navigating the intricacies of political landscapes.

His compelling insights into leadership, communication, and the dynamics of decision-making offer valuable lessons applicable across various sectors. Renowned for his articulate and engaging speaking style, Alastair can captivate diverse audiences, making complex subjects accessible and relevant.

At Evolve, we recommend Alastair Campbell as an outstanding choice to inspire, inform, and leave a lasting impact at your event.

Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe, a distinguished former politician, broadcaster, and author, stands as an excellent choice to elevate your next event. Ann’s extensive experience, including her tenure as a Member of Parliament and subsequent roles in the media, brings a wealth of knowledge and insights into the political landscape.

Known for her unapologetic and articulate approach, she is a compelling speaker who navigates complex issues with clarity and candour. Her diverse career has equipped her to share valuable perspectives on leadership, political dynamics, and social issues, making her a captivating and thought-provoking speaker.


As the world unites to address the pressing global challenges of climate change, the upcoming Cop29 conference promises to be a pivotal moment for meaningful discussions and impactful solutions.

In the face of environmental complexities and the urgent need for collective action, selecting speakers who can articulate, inspire, and guide audiences through the intricate web of climate-related issues is paramount.

At Evolve, we understand the significance of this crucial event and are committed to helping you secure speakers who can not only navigate the complexities of Cop29 but also contribute to fostering a sense of urgency and commitment to sustainable change.

Sally Uren

Sally Uren

Sally Uren, a distinguished sustainability expert and CEO of Forum for the Future, emerges as an exceptional choice to enrich and elevate your next Cop29 event. With a wealth of experience in driving positive environmental change, Sally brings a unique perspective on sustainable development, climate action, and corporate responsibility.

As a renowned thought leader, she possesses the ability to articulate complex sustainability issues with clarity and passion, engaging audiences and inspiring actionable change. Sally’s commitment to creating a more sustainable and equitable future aligns seamlessly with the goals of Cop29, making her a compelling speaker to guide discussions, provoke thoughtful insights, and foster a collective sense of responsibility.

Chadden Hunter

Chadden Hunter

Chadden Hunter, esteemed wildlife biologist and producer for the BBC’s groundbreaking series “Planet Earth II” and “Planet Earth: Blue Planet II,” stands as an exemplary choice to captivate and educate your audience at the upcoming Cop29 event.

With a deep understanding of biodiversity, conservation, and the intricate interplay between human activities and the environment, Chadden brings a unique perspective to the discourse on climate change.

His engaging storytelling and visually stunning narratives have the power to transport audiences to the heart of environmental issues, fostering a profound connection to the urgent need for conservation and sustainability.


As Pride Month 2024 approaches, the world gears up to celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and the progress made towards LGBTQ+ rights.

In crafting an unforgettable Pride experience, the choice of speakers becomes instrumental in amplifying the voices that resonate with the community’s spirit.

Paul Burrell

Chadden Hunter

Paul Burrell, former Royal Butler and confidant to Princess Diana, is an inspiring choice to enrich your next Pride event with his unique perspective on acceptance, resilience, and personal growth.

Paul’s journey from the esteemed halls of the royal household to his later role as a prominent figure in the LGBTQ+ community is a testament to the power of authenticity and embracing one’s true self.

As a speaker, Paul combines his wealth of experience with a genuine and engaging storytelling style, captivating audiences with anecdotes that transcend barriers and resonate with the universal themes of love and self-discovery.

We wholeheartedly recommend Paul Burrell as a speaker who can not only share captivating narratives but also inspire and celebrate the diverse stories within the Pride community.

Anna Richardson

anna richardson headshot

Anna Richardson, a renowned television presenter, journalist, and LGBTQ+ advocate, is a stellar choice to invigorate and enlighten your next Pride event. She is known for addressing a broad spectrum of topics, including body positivity, relationships, and mental health, Anna brings a refreshing and candid approach to her speaking engagements.

As a passionate advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, she navigates the complexities of identity, acceptance, and inclusivity with authenticity and warmth. Anna’s engaging and relatable communication style resonates with diverse audiences, making her a powerful speaker to champion the values of Pride and inspire positive change.

Kellie Maloney

Kellie Maloney

Kellie Maloney, a trailblazer in the world of boxing and a prominent transgender advocate, is an exceptional choice to bring resilience, authenticity, and empowerment to your next Pride event.

Kellie’s personal journey, marked by her courage in navigating gender identity in the public eye, offers a compelling narrative that resonates with the core values of Pride – authenticity, acceptance, and the pursuit of true happiness.

As a speaker, Kellie combines her unique life experiences with a captivating storytelling style, delivering powerful messages of self-discovery, equality, and the importance of embracing diversity.

More Speakers for Pride Month?

We have created a separate blog post about the best pride month speakers so click on the link to learn more. Alternatively, you can take a look here at all the pride month speakers we have to offer.

Black History Month

As we approach Black History Month 2024, we embrace the opportunity to celebrate and honour the rich tapestry of Black culture, achievements, and contributions that have profoundly shaped the world.

This annual observance invites us to reflect on the struggles, triumphs, and pivotal moments in Black history that have paved the way for progress and understanding.

In curating an impactful Black History Month event, selecting speakers who can share authentic narratives, illuminate historical perspectives, and inspire conversations is paramount.

Dr Maki Mandela

Dr Maki Mandela

Maki Mandela, a prominent figure in the global pursuit of justice and human rights, stands as an exceptional choice to grace your next Black History Month event.

As the daughter of the iconic Nelson Mandela, Maki brings a unique perspective and a profound understanding of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped not only her family’s legacy but also the narrative of the African continent.

Maki Mandela’s commitment to social justice, equality, and education makes her a compelling speaker, capable of weaving together personal experiences and historical insights to inspire and enlighten audiences.

John Barnes MBE

john barnes

John Barnes, a football legend and cultural icon, presents an extraordinary opportunity to elevate your next Black History Month event. With a stellar career on the pitch and a significant impact off it, John brings knowledge and experience that extend beyond the world of sports.

As a speaker, he seamlessly intertwines his personal journey with insightful discussions on race, identity, and societal change. John’s eloquence and thought-provoking perspectives make him an ideal choice to address audiences, sparking important conversations on diversity, inclusion, and the ongoing quest for equality.

Tim Campbell MBE

Tim Campbell, emerges as an outstanding choice to speak at your Black History Month event, offering a unique blend of business acumen and a deep commitment to diversity and inclusion.

As a successful Black entrepreneur, Tim’s journey from winning “The Apprentice” to founding his own businesses reflects the resilience and determination often celebrated during Black History Month.

Tim’s dedication to mentorship and advocacy for diversity in the workplace aligns seamlessly with the themes of Black History Month, making him a compelling speaker to inspire conversations around empowerment, achievement, and the ongoing quest for equality.

More of The Best Black History Month Speakers

We have created a blog post about the best black history month speakers we have to offer at Evolve so be sure to check it out and give the speakers a try. Additionally, you can check out our entire range of black history month speakers.

International Womens Day

As we approach International Women’s Day, the global celebration of the achievements, resilience, and contributions of women takes centre stage. This annual observance serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made in the fight for gender equality and the ongoing work needed to create a more inclusive world.

International Women’s Day is not just a day; it’s a movement, a call to action to amplify the voices of women from all walks of life. In crafting a meaningful event to commemorate this day, the choice of speakers is pivotal in capturing the spirit of empowerment and fostering discussions that propel us forward.

Martina Navratilova

Martin Headshot

Martina Navratilova, a tennis legend, LGBTQ+ advocate, and prolific commentator, stands as an exceptional choice to grace your International Women’s Day event.

Beyond her unparalleled achievements on the tennis court, Martina has been a trailblazer in challenging gender norms and advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

As a speaker, her insightful reflections on breaking barriers, the pursuit of excellence, and the intersectionality of gender and sexuality offer a powerful narrative that aligns seamlessly with the themes of International Women’s Day.

Martina’s commitment to using her platform to champion equality and justice makes her an inspiring presence capable of connecting with diverse audiences.

Davina McCall

Davina McCall Headshot

Davina McCall, a renowned television presenter, accomplished author, and mental health advocate, stands out as an excellent choice to elevate your International Women’s Day event.

Davina’s multifaceted career, marked by her authenticity and resilience, makes her a compelling speaker for this occasion. Beyond her professional success, Davina’s openness about personal challenges, mental health, and her journey toward empowerment resonates powerfully with the themes of International Women’s Day.

As a speaker, she brings a unique blend of relatability, humour, and wisdom, making her a dynamic presence on stage. Davina’s commitment to empowering women and fostering open conversations aligns seamlessly with the spirit of International Women’s Day, making her an inspiring voice to celebrate the achievements and ongoing struggles of women around the world.

More International Women’s Day Speakers

Check out our full collection of International Women’s Day Speakers or you can see our top recommendations for the best international Women’s Day Speakers

What is a Keynote Speaker?

A keynote speaker is an expert in their respective field, chosen to set out the central theme of a conference or event.

They possess extensive knowledge and experience in a specific topic or industry making them a focal point for the audience.

What does a Keynote Speaker talk about?

A Keynote Speaker tailors their talk to align with the event’s theme or purpose. Topics can range from industry trends, leadership insights, and innovation to personal experiences, motivation, and societal issues.

These speakers are adept at captivating audiences by delivering engaging narratives, sharing expertise, and providing valuable takeaways. The goal is to offer relevant and impactful content that resonates with the audience, leaving a lasting impression and contributing to the overall success of the event.

How to Hire a Keynote Speaker for your event?

Securing a Keynote Speaker for your event is a seamless process with Evolve. Contact us today to discuss your event details, budget, and speaker preferences. Let Evolve be your partner in bringing a captivating and influential speaker to your next major event.

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