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Case Studies

Chris Broad & Eleanor Oldroyd & Winchester House Club

Winchester House Club were looking for two speakers for their Annual Cricket Dinner on Thursday 17th November. We suggested former England cricketer and current ICC match official, Chris Broad, and accomplished radio presenter and broadcaster, Eleanor Oldroyd.

Winchester House Club were looking for two speakers for their Annual Cricket Dinner on Thursday 17th November. We suggested former England cricketer and current ICC match official, Chris Broad, and accomplished radio presenter and broadcaster, Eleanor Oldroyd.

The event took place at the Winchester House Club, and they were looking for two speakers who could engage and entertain guests throughout the evening.

Chris and Eleanor had dinner with guests, socialising and mingling with attendees, before taking part in a Q&A session. Eleanor hosted the Q&A with Chris and following this he also took questions from the audience.

With experience as interviewee and interviewer, Chris and Eleanor fit the requirements perfectly. They shared funny anecdotes and stories from their careers, entertaining guests throughout the evening.

Winchester House Club

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