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Alex Staniforth

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Who is Alex Staniforth?

Alex Staniforth is a record-breaking explorer and adventurer speaker.

What are Alex Staniforth’s main achievements?

Despite his young age, Alex Staniforth has become one of the country’s most famous explorers. In 2017, he became the fastest person to climb all 100 of the UK’s County tops, completing the feat in just 72 days.

In addition to this, he has published the book Icefall which details his two attempts to summit Mount Everest.

What is Alex Staniforth best known for?

Alex Staniforth is well known for trying to climb the world’s biggest mountain, Mount Everest, on two occasions. His first attempt came when he was just 18, and he has also survived two of the biggest disasters in the history of Everest.

How to book Alex Staniforth for your next event?

If you’re looking for an intrepid adventurer speaker to inspire and captivate audiences at your next private or corporate event, Evolve has the perfect personality for you. Alex Staniforth can cover a wide range of topics from mental resilience to overcoming adversity, so contact our team today to learn more.

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