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Andrew Eborn

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Who is Andrew Eborn?

Andrew Ebron is a successful broadcaster, futurist and renowned international lawyer.

What are Andrew Eborn’s main achievements?

Over the course of his career, Andrew Eborn has achieved numerous things in a range of sectors. As a broadcaster, he regularly appears on national television and radio, including hosting live events at the Cannes Film Festival, and chairing events for the Royal Television Society.

What is Andrew Eborn best known for?

Andrew Eborn is best known as a broadcaster and President of Octopus TV Ltd. In addition to this, he has spent decades working as a lawyer on international cases.

How to book Andrew Eborn for your next event?

Specialising in intellectual property, media and technology, and how to navigate challenging markets, Andrew Eborn is an expert in a vast array of topics. He therefore leaves an impact at every corporate and private event he attends. For booking information, contact Evolve today.

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