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hristopher T.S. Harvey

Christopher T.S. Harvey

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Who is Christopher T.S. Harvey?

Christopher T.S. Harvey, aka The Change Guy, is a leading business speaker.

What are Christopher T.S. Harvey’s main achievements?

For more than 20 years Christopher T.S. Harvey has helped more than 200 blue-chip businesses invoke positive change to their organisation. He has a remarkable track record with more than 90% of initiatives he has led seeing success.

What is Christopher T.S. Harvey best known for?

Christopher T.S. Harvey is best known as ‘The Change Guy’, a leading business speaker and expert who helps companies create positive change in their organisation. He currently works as Head of Change at Tesco, the UK’s largest supermarket and one of the world’s biggest companies.

How to book Christopher T.S. Harvey for your next event?

If you’d like Christopher T.S. Harvey to inspire audiences at your next private and corporate event, Evolve is here to help. We can facilitate your occasion, with Christopher bringing his wonderful speaking ability that always delivers messages of positive change. Contact our team to find out more.

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