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Clare Kenny

Clare Kenny

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Who is Clare Kenny?

Clare Kenny is a leading TEDx keynote speaker and world renowned mental health speaker.

What are Clare Kenny’s main achievements?

Clare Kenny has worked at the very top of corporate businesses throughout her career, and has helped create bespoke wellbeing strategies for leading FTSE 100 companies as well as dynamic start-ups.

Her leading mental health insights have led her to become a TEDx keynote speaker and work in senior management roles at companies in Europe and Asia. This includes leading global wellbeing strategy for Burberry.

What is Clare Kenny best known for?

Clare Kenny is best known for being an expert in mental health and wellbeing.

As well as being a leading TEDx speaker on the topic, she has also performed keynote speaking events for the likes of Channel 4, Burberry, KPMG and more.

How to book Clare Kenny for your next event?

Clare Kenny leaves an impact at every event she attends, helping audiences with lessons on a whole host of topics including workplace wellbeing, mental health, stress, anxiety and many more. Clare’s career has taught her that no matter who you are, mental wellbeing is essential, and she can instill this mantra at your next event. Contact Evolve today to find out more.

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