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Colin Jackson

Colin Jackson

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Who is Colin Jackson?

Colin Jackson is a British former world, European and Commonwealth champion sprinter and hurdler, turned Olympic and athletics speaker.

What are Colin Jackson’s main achievements?

For almost two decades, Colin Jackson was one of the world’s greatest sprinters and hurdlers. He won two World Championship titles; four European Championship titles; two Commonwealth Games titles; and an Olympic silver medal.

What is Colin Jackson best known for?

Colin Jackson is best known for being one of the UK’s most popular athletes. In addition to his career on the track, since his retirement he has worked as a regular athletics pundit and analyst for BBC Sport, covering numerous Olympic Games and multiple other athletics events around the world.

How to book Colin Jackson for your next event?

Colin Jackson brings star quality and a repertoire of fascinating anecdotes from a career in elite sport to every private and corporate event he attends. Whether you want him to wow audience members with stories from the track or inspire guests with his wonderful motivational abilities, an event with Colin will always live long in the memory. Contact Evolve today for booking information.

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