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Danny Crates

Danny Crates

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Who is Danny Crates?

Danny Crates is one of Great Britain’s most decorated Paralympians.

What are Danny Crates’ main achievements?

Over the course of his remarkable career, Danny Crates won countless athletics medals and is a former Paralympics, World and European champion, specialising in the 800 metres. In 2004, he won the 800m gold medal at the Paralympics in Athens, and was a flagbearer for Great Britain at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing.

What is Danny Crates best known for?

Danny Crates is one of Great Britain’s most famous and successful Paralympic stars. His remarkable life story has made headlines and inspired people all over the world. After horrifically losing his arm as a 21 year old, Danny fought back against this adversity to become one of the best Paralympic athletes of his generation.

How to book Danny Crates for your next event?

Inspirational speakers are hard to come by, but with Danny Crates you can guarantee a speaker who will leave an impression on every audience. Drawing on his personal experiences in elite sports, he has collaborated with businesses globally to create high-performance cultures and winning mindsets. To book Danny for your next private or corporate occasion, contact Evolve today.

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