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Elaine Kasket

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Who is Dr Elaine Kasket?

Dr Elaine Kasket is a leading cyberpsychologist, counsellor and mental health speaker.

What are Dr Eliane Kasket’s main achievements?

In 2023, Dr Elaine Kasket released her book, Reclaiming Your Life in a Tech-Obsessed World. The latest in a range of publications she has released, she has helped many people with modern issues including remote / hybrid working, employer surveillance, identity threats, digital afterlives and more.

What is Dr Elaine Kasket best known for?

Dr Elaine Kasket is one of the world’s most recognisable cyberpsychologists. She specialises in a range of topics, including digital dynamics, crafting a tech-life balance, maintaining healthy relationships in a digital era, and more.

How to book Dr Elaine Kasket for your next event?

At every private or corporate event she attends, Dr Elaine Kasket can inspire your audiences with her wonderful keynote speeches and ability to captivate everyone she works with. Her events can help your guests focus on their own well-being in both personal and professional environments, making her one of the best mental health speakers around. For booking information, contact Evolve today.

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