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Emile Heskey

Emile Heskey

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Who is Emile Heskey?

Emile Heskey is one of British football’s most famous former players turned football speaker.

What are Emile Heskey’s main achievements?

Over the course of his remarkable career that spanned more than 20 years, Emile Heskey played over 750 career games, winning some of the sport’s biggest honours.

This includes being part of Liverpool’s successful team that won five trophies in 2001, including a treble of the FA Cup, League Cup and UEFA Cup.

He also won two League Cups with his boyhood club, Leicester City.

What is Emile Heskey best known for?

Emile Heskey is a well-known former England international striker who represented some of the country’s biggest clubs including Liverpool, Aston Villa, Leicester City and more.

As well as this, he earned 62 England caps and represented his country at four major tournaments.

How to book Emile Heskey for your next event?

Your next private or corporate occasion is sure to live long in the memory when it welcomes legendary Liverpool and England footballer Emile Heskey. Always able to wow audiences with his repertoire of fascinating anecdotes from more than 20 years as a professional footballer, contact Evolve today to find out more.

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