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Georgia Lewis Anderson

Georgia Lewis Anderson

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Who is Georgia Lewis Anderson?

Georgia Lewis Anderson is an award-winning AI expert and leading technology speaker.

What are Georgia Lewis Anderson’s main achievements?

Over the course of her remarkable career, Georgia Lewis Anderson has worked as an award-winning AI content and prompt engineering strategist for some of the world’s biggest technology giants. Her biggest achievements include developing the virtual assistant Cortana for Microsoft and launching Google’s Google Assistant in the UK market.

What is Georgia Lewis Anderson best known for?

Georgia Lewis Anderson is best known for being one of the world’s most accomplished professionals in the arena of artificial intelligence. At her keynote speaking events, she covers a variety of topics relating to AI including creativity, marketing, social media and music.

Beyond her AI achievements, she has also worked as a professional broadcaster for Apple Music, Channel 4, the BBC and more.

How to book Georgia Lewis Anderson for your next event?

It’s difficult to get a true industry pioneer to speak to your guests at a private or corporate event, but with leading AI and technology speaker Georgia Lewis Anderson that is exactly what you will receive. Able to draw on her experience working with innovative and future technologies at Google while also adding her own fascinating insights, contact Evolve today to find out more.

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