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Joana Baptista

Joana Baptista

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Who is Joana Baptista?

Joana Baptista is an award-winning diversity speaker who has delivered talks for some of the world’s biggest brands.

What are Joana Baptista’s main achievements?

Joana Baptista regularly conducts inspirational speeches for global brands including Disney, Facebook, Cambridge University and many more. A three-times Tedx speaker, she also works as a full-time consultant for the global management consulting brand, McKinsey & Company.

What is Joana Baptista best known for?

Joana Baptista is a well-known activist and award-winning diversity speaker who regularly covers a wide range of topics at her events. These include women in STEM, ethical leadership, reverse mentoring and many more.

How to book Joana Baptista for your next event?

Joana Baptista is one of the most impactful diversity speakers in the world, able to cover a wide range of eye-opening topics for your next private or corporate event. Inspiring audiences everywhere she goes, contact Evolve today for booking information.

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