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Kelvin Fletcher

Kelvin Fletcher

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Who is Kelvin Fletcher?

Kelvin Fletcher is a famous actor and TV personality who is an excellent entertainment and TV speaker.

What are Kelvin Fletcher’s main achievements?

For more than 30 years, Kelvin Fletcher has been one of the UK’s most popular TV stars. During this time, he has achieved a number of accolades, including winning two British Soap Awards for his portrayal of Andy Sugden in Emmerdale. In addition to this, in 2019, he won popular TV show Strictly Come Dancing.

What is Kelvin Fletcher best known for?

Kelvin Fletcher is a popular TV actor who is best known for playing Andy Sugden in Emmerdale for 20 years, between 1996 and 2016. In this role, he was part of some of the soap’s biggest moments that gripped the nation.

Additionally, Kelvin has starred in Death in Paradise, Father Brown, McDonald and Dodds and many more.

How to book Kelvin Fletcher for your next event?

One of the most recognisable and popular entertainment and TV speakers in the business, Kelvin Fletcher always makes for a wonderful addition to any private or corporate event. Whether you want him to act as an event host or a speaker who can discuss some of his memories from his time in showbiz, Evolve can help facilitate your next booking. Contact us today to find out more.

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