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Kimberly Wyatt

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Who is Kimberly Wyatt?

Kimberly Wyatt is an American singer, dancer and television presenter who was a member of the girl band, The Pussy Cat Dolls.

What are Kimberly Wyatt’s main achievements?

As part of The Pussycat Dolls, Kimberly achieved global fame and contributed to multiple number-one singles, both in the UK and aboard, as well as two studio albums which both achieved Platinum status. Furthermore, much of the band’s music has become iconic and remains well-loved by listeners around the world.

What is Kimberly Wyatt best known for?

Kimberly Wyatt is best known for being part of the girl band and dance ensemble, The Pussy Cat Dolls. Between 2003-2010 and 2019-2021, the band released a wide range of global hits and toured the world performing their catchy music. In recent years, she has appeared on a variety of British primetime television programmes, including Dancing on Ice, Celebrity MasterChef, Got to Dance and more.

How to book Kimberly Wyatt for your next event?

If you want your event presenter, host or entertainment choice to bring some glitz and glamour to the occasion, then Kimberly Wyatt is the perfect choice. Having performed on some of the world’s biggest stages, she can keep your guests entertained while also ensuring your occasion remains on track. For booking information, contact Evolve today.

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