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Dame Laura Kenny

Dame Laura Kenny

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Who is Dame Laura Kenny?

Dame Laura Kenny is one of the most recognised sportswomen on the planet and Britain’s greatest-ever female Olympian.

What are Dame Laura Kenny’s main achievements?

During the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Laura won her fifth Olympic gold medal and became the first British woman to win gold at three consecutive Olympic Games.

Laura continues to showcase her athletic talents and makes her mark with each year that passes. As a result, Laura has been awarded Harper’s Bazaar’s ‘Sporting Icons award, and in 2021, she was named in the 2021 New Year Honours List and received her Dame title in May 2022.

What is Dame Laura Kenny best known for?

Laura is best known for dominating in the velodrome. Her sporting success has gained her a long-standing position as an Adidas athlete, and she has even published a book titled The Inside Track with her husband, Sir Jason Kenny.

How to book Dame Laura Kenny for your next event?

As one of the most decorated British Olympians in history, Laura is a rare talent. As a speaker, she has stories and experiences that very few can tell, and with each anecdote, she instils a fire of passion and determination into her audience.

For more information on how to book Dame Laura Kenny for your next event or private function, contact Evolve today.

Topics and Themes

  • Cycling

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The fee normally includes a keynote speech, as well as Q&A and meet and greet, but we can tailor the package to your needs and budget. Travel and accommodation for the speaker are normally charged separately but can be arranged by us.

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