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Louise Laing

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Who is Louise Laing?

Lousie Laing is a leading business speaker and the founder of Phygital Twin, a revolutionary digital fashion business.

What are Louise Laing’s main achievements?

Louise Laing has spent more than 25 years working as a trailblazer and beacon that combines innovation with technology and business. Having spent decades in the fashion industry, she has supported iconic global brands, including Burberry, Reiss and Kilgour.

What is Louise Laing best known for?

Lousie Laing is best-known for transforming the fashion industry with her insights into technology, AI, and business. Throughout her comprehensive career, she has helped some of the world’s biggest fashion brands become more sustainable and successful.

How to book Lousie Laing for your next event?

Leaving an impression at every event she attends, Lousie Laing is the perfect business speaker for your next private or corporate occasion. Drawing on decades of experience to help your guests in their own careers, contact Evolve today for booking information.

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