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Lucy Verasamy

Lucy Verasamy

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Who is Lucy Verasamy?

Lucy Verasamy is a weather presenter, best known for providing national forecasts on ITV Weather and Good Morning Britain. As well as this, she is a passionate environment speaker and a great choice of host for all kinds of after-dinner events.

What are Lucy Verasamy’s main achievements?

For almost two decades, Lucy Verasamy has provided weather forecast broadcasts for the nation, first with Sky News and most prominently for ITV, where she remains one of the main weather broadcasters. Her appearances include reports for Good Morning Britain and ITV Racing, where she provides weather updates ahead of high-profile horse racing events such as the Grand National.

In addition to this, she’s also a committed environmentalist who has presented television programmes on the effects of climate change and what we need to do to save the planet.

What is Lucy Verasamy best known for?

Since 2012, Lucy Verasamy has fronted national weather forecasts for ITV. As well as appearing on regular forecasts informing the nation of the weather conditions, she has seamlessly transferred these skills to ITV Racing and as a presenter on Good Morning Britain.

How to book Lucy Verasamy for your next event?

If you’re looking for a dynamic event host to keep your occasion on track; a passionate environment speaker who can bring optimism to a challenging topic; or an engaging speaker to keep audiences entertained, Lucy Verasamy is the perfect choice.

For more information or to book Lucy, contact Evolve today

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