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Mark Agnew

Mark Agnew

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Who is Mark Agnew?

Mark Agnew is a successful explorer and leading adventurer speaker.

What are Mark Agnew’s main achievements?

As a world-recording explorer, Mark Agnew has achieved incredible feats throughout his career. This includes being named European Adventurer of the Year, and winning Endurance Asia’s Extraordinary Feat of the Year award in 2023.

What is Mark Agnew best known for?

Mark Agnew is best known as a history-making explorer who kayaked the formidable Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

His other expeditions include driving from London to Mongolia, kayaking around Hong Kong, and rowing in the Indonesian archipelago.

How to book Mark Agnew for your next event?

Every event Mark Agnew attends is sure to leave your guests speechless and in awe as he recalls incredible anecdotes from a remarkable life as one of the world’s most successful explorers. He can leave everyone in attendance truly captivated, so get in touch with Evolve today for booking information.

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