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Mark Cavendish

Mark Cavendish MBE

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Who is Mark Cavendish?

Mark Cavendish is a world champion cyclist and Olympian who is one of Britain’s most famous cycling speakers.

What are Mark Cavendish’s main achievements?

Mark Cavendish is one of the most successful cyclists in the world. Since turning professional in 2005, he has won four World Championship gold medals; the 2006 Commonwealth Games Scratch title; an Olympic silver medal; and 34 individual Tour de France stages.

In addition to this, he was named BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 2011.

What is Mark Cavendish best known for?

One of the country’s most famous cyclists, Mark Cavendish is famous for his professional cycling career that has seen him dominate in the sport for almost two decades.

How to book Mark Cavendish for your next event?

Bringing a touch of star quality to every event he attends, cycling legend Mark Cavendish is the perfect choice for your next private or corporate occasion. Sharing lessons he’s learnt from a career at the pinnacle of elite sport, he can help people in all walks of life apply these learnings to their own situation. For booking information, contact Evolve today.

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