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Matthew Goodwin

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Who is Matthew Goodwin?

Matthew is a published author, political analyst and academic whose vast knowledge and expertise on the world’s political landscape has seen him become one of the country’s best politics speakers.

What are Matthew Goodwin’s main achievements?

Throughout his career, Matthew has had numerous successes, but perhaps one of his main achievements is publishing several books and academic essays on a wide range of political topics. These include National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy and Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics.

What is Matthew Goodwin best known for?

Matthew Goodwin is arguably best known for being one of the leading voices and commentators on the topic of wokeism. Alongside his academic work, he has acted as an advisor to the Conservative Party and, specifically, anti-woke campaigner, Kemi Badenoch, during the 2022 leadership election.

How to book Matthew Goodwin for your next event?

One of the country’s most well-respected and knowledgeable politics speakers, every event Matthew Goodwin attends is a hit with audiences. Whether you want him to act as an engaging and dynamic keynote speaker who will challenge the status quo or an event host who can keep your occasion energised, Evolve is on hand to assist with any kind of booking. contact our team today to find out more.

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Matthew's Latest Case Studies

Matt Goodwin &

Evolve partnered academic and political expert, Matt Goodwin with for an online interview.

Matt Goodwin

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Our team is ideally placed to help you find a speaker for your next big occasion. Using our extensive contact list and expertise in the industry, we will help in seeking out a star that matches your needs perfectly, ensuring that your event goes off with a bang. Talk to us today for more information.

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