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Matthew Syed

Matthew Syed

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Who is Matthew Syed?

Matthew Syed is a journalist, bestselling author and motivational speaker who has published many books on mindset and high performance.

What are Matthew Syed’s main achievements?

Matthew Syed has published seven bestselling books on the subjects of mindset and high-performance. He has worked with some of the world’s biggest organisations to help workforces thrive and enhance their success.

Matthew has also created his own consultancy, Matthew Syed Consulting and Mindset Analytics, which has worked with a vast portfolio of clients to change the mindsets of individuals and teams.

What is Matthew Syed best known for?

Matthew Syed is a highly sought after mindset and high-performance expert whose motivational speaking and consultancy work has transformed the culture of organisations around the world.

Some of his popular book titles include Rebel Ideas, Black Box Thinking, Bounce and The Greatest.

In addition to this, Matthew is a hugely well-respected journalist and political commentator, and a Commonwealth Games gold medallist in table tennis.

How to book Matthew Syed for your next event?

If you’d like to book Matthew Syed for your next corporate or private event, Evolve is here to help. In his own unique style, Matthew can inspire audiences with fascinating anecdotes from his own life and career, while keeping your evening on track and ensuring it lasts long in the memory. To find out more, contact Evolve today.

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