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Miles Hilton Barber

Miles Hilton-Barber

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One of the world’s most incredible explorers, Miles Hilton-Barber has completed mountaineering expeditions, marathons, flying, scuba diving and more despite being blind. Having lost his sight in his twenties, he hasn’t let this hold him back and has accomplished a whole host of records and achievements. This includes being the first blind pilot to embark on a 55-day micro flight, scaling the highest mountains in both Africa and Europe and running a variety of marathons around the globe including a relentless 150 miles across the Sahara Desert. One of the most inspiring adventure and exploring speakers in the business, Miles has spoken at more than 1,000 corporate events in 69 countries sharing his remarkable life story with audiences everywhere.

Growing up in Zimbabwe with normal sight, Miles’ childhood dream was to be a fighter pilot like his father. With this in mind, aged 18 he signed up for the Royal Rhodesian Air Force but was devastated when he failed the eyesight medical. A few years later, Miles along with his brother were diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa – a genetic eye condition. It resulted in both going completely blind, and Miles spent the next 30 years trying to come to terms with what had happened to him. As one of the most motivational adventure and exploring speakers, he can recall this moment with audiences everywhere, explaining how he bounced back from such devastating news.

When he was 50 years old, Miles received what he describes as a wake-up call. His brother Geoff became the first blind person to cross an ocean solo, sailing from Africa to Australia on a yacht he built himself. This inspired Miles to attempt his own adventures, and to date, he’s completed expeditions in every continent on the planet and achieved a number of world records. The type of expeditions he’s embarked on include:

  • Mountaineering
  • Marathons in deserts and polar regions
  • Powerboat racing
  • Scuba diving
  • Motor racing
  • Plane flying
  • And much more!

These achievements would be remarkable for anyone, let alone someone with no sight and it’s no surprise that he’s gone on to become one of the best adventure and exploring speakers in the industry.

Having conducted presentations in countries all over the world and for thousands of businesses, he combines his exploration experiences with life lessons and skills that people can instil in their own life and career.

Bringing his great sense of humour and captivating personality to all kinds of corporate and personal events, Miles Hilton-Barber is one of the most sought-after adventure and exploring speakers on the circuit. Get in touch with Evolve today to find out more.

Topics and Themes

  • Determination
  • Motivational
  • Expeditions
  • Mountaineering
  • Exploring
  • Resilience

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