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Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison

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Who is Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison?

Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison is a farmer, agricultural social media influencer and leading mental health speaker.

What are Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison’s main achievements?

Since launching his YouTube channel in 2020, Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison has become one of the biggest farming and agricultural influencers in the country. To date, he has over 100,000 subscribers on the platform, with his videos being viewed more than 77 million times. As well as this, he’s regularly featured on BBC News as a contributor regarding a range of farming issues and news stories.

What is Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison best known for?

Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison is best-known for being one of the most famous agricultural social media influencers in the country. Millions of viewers regularly keep abreast of his farming activities on a daily basis, and he’s also become popular for his charitable challenges that have seen him raise thousands for good causes.

How to book Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison for your next event?

Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison is able to bring his charismatic personality, naturally friendly persona and inspirational mental health messaging to your next private or corporate occasion. For more information on how to book Olly ‘Blogs’ Harrison for your upcoming event, get in touch with Evolve today.

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