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Peter Baines

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Who is Peter Baines?

Peter Baines is a former professional forensic investigator turned expert leadership speaker.

What are Peter Baines’ main achievements?

Over the years, Peter Baines has worked in countries all over the world as a leading forensic investigator. At the peak of his career, this included assisting the United Nations and Interpol with global criminal investigations.

As well as this aspect of his career, one of Peter’s biggest achievements is undoubtedly launching Hands Across Water, a charity that over the last 16 years, has helped homeless children in Thailand.

What is Peter Baines best known for?

Peter Baines is a leadership speaker who is best known for his work as a forensic investigator that saw him work in countries across the world on global crimes and those in major crises. This has included Saudi Arabia, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and more.

How to book Peter Baines for your next event?

Peter Baines can combine fascinating anecdotes with wonderful leadership lessons to leave your audience feeling inspired, motivated, reflective and a whole host of other emotions that they can utilise in their own lives and careers. A challenging leadership speaker who is certain to give your guests an experience like never before, get in touch with Evolve today for booking information.

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