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Ricky Hatton

Ricky Hatton

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Who is Ricky Hatton?

Ricky Hatton is a British former boxer and leading boxing speaker.

What are Ricky Hatton’s main achievements?

Throughout his career at the height of international boxing, Ricky Hatton won huge bouts, including claiming the IBO and The Ring light-welterweight titles.

At one point, Ricky won 43 fights in a row, taking on some of the biggest names in the sport.

What is Ricky Hatton best known for?

Ricky Hatton is a word-renowned former boxer who is perhaps best known for his high-profile bouts against the likes of Floyd Mayweather Jr and Manny Pacquiao.

In a career that spanned from 1997 to 2012, he fought at some of the biggest arenas in the world.

How to book Ricky Hatton for your next event?

Bring a true British sporting legend to your next private or corporate event by booking boxing star Ricky Hatton. Armed with countless tales from his tangles in the ring, his great sense of humour and naturally down-to-earth personality make him a great choice every time. Contact Evolve today for booking information.

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