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Sir Craig Oliver

Sir Craig Oliver

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Who is Sir Craig Oliver?

Sir Craig Oliver worked as Director of Politics and Communications to British Prime Minister, David Cameron, for six years, and as the Director of Communications for the Remain campaign during the Brexit referendum.

What are Sir Craig Oliver’s main achievements?

Sir Craig Oliver has achieved a lot in his career, spending time in the worlds of politics and journalism. Before joining Downing Street, he was an award-winning journalist who edited some of the BBC’s flagship news programmes and worked as controller of BBC Global.

He also wrote a best-selling book, Unleashing Demons, about what really went on behind the scenes during the Brexit referendum, which was turned into a Channel 4 drama starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Rory Kinnear.

What is Sir Craig Oliver best known for?

Sir Craig Oliver is perhaps best known for being one of the most influential and successful political advisors in British history. Most notably, he worked as Director of Politics and Communications to British Prime Minister, David Cameron. On a day-to-day basis, he helped the government effectively communicate their messaging, and was directly responsible for making the state properly utilise digital channels.

How to book Sir Craig Oliver for your next event?

If you’re looking for a leading politics speaker to give audiences a unique insight into the inner workings of government, then Sir Craig Oliver is the perfect choice for your next occasion. Available for a wide range of private and corporate occasions, contact Evolve today to find out how to book Sir Craig for your next event.

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