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Sope Agbelusi

Sope Agbelusi

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Who is Sope Agbelusi?

Sope Agbelusi is an executive coach and international speaker.

What are Sope Agbelusi’s main achievements?

With over 15 years working in senior corporate roles in automotive, tech, finance and manufacturing sectors in the UK and Europe, Sope is sourced from companies all over to help them get to the root of their corporate problems and find human centred solutions.

What is Sope Agbelusi best known for?

Sope is best known for understanding the various challenges of operating in a complex, fast-paced and everchanging environment. His vast corporate experience allows him to help his clients understand what inclusion, equity and belonging really mean, and how to create a culture that embodies these values in a practical way.

How to book Sope Agbelusi for your next event?

Sope has had years of experience in the coaching and speaking sector to confidently understand that leadership is not about position but about influence which is curated through building relationships. Both private and corporate audiences seek Sope out to learn and understand who they are as a business and how they can impact their colleagues and culture for a positive future.

To find out more about how to book Sope Agbelusi as a speaker for your next event or private function, contact Evolve today.

Topics and Themes

  • Discipline
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Motivation

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