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Toni Horn

Toni Horn

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Who is Toni Horn?

Toni Horn is a world-renowned neurodiversity expert and diversity speaker.

What are Toni Horn‘s main achievements?

As one of the world’s leading authorities on neurodiversity, Toni Horn has achieved a wide range of high-profile positions. This includes spending 17 years in leadership roles such as working as Neurodiversity Support lead at Barclays.

What is Toni Horn best known for?

Toni Horn is best known for being one of the world’s neurodiversity experts. As well as working as a popular keynote speaker on the topic of neurodiversity inclusivity, Toni has also founded ‘Think Differently with Us’, an initiative that highlights training programmes to help those with neurodiversity and dyslexia.

How to book Toni Horn for your next event?

As an expert in neurodiversity and a qualified corporate trainer, hiring Toni Horn for your next private or corporate event will ensure a memorable occasion that can help you make tangible, positive change within your organisation. Contact Evolve today for booking information.

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