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Our Leading Paralympic Speakers

Paralympians are athletes who compete in the Paralympic games with a physical disability. They are great keynote speakers as they can captivate and motive audiences though their inspirational stories about overcoming extreme adversity, which showcases their courage, resilience, and sheer tenacity.

Jo Foster
7 Feb 2024

Paralympians are athletes who compete in the Paralympic games with a physical disability. They are great keynote speakers as they can captivate and motive audiences though their inspirational stories about overcoming extreme adversity, which showcases their courage, resilience, and sheer tenacity.

In this blog post, we have compiled a list of the top paralympic speakers at Evolve providing information about who they are, some of their hardships and achievements, and why they are great speakers. Therefore, allowing you to pick the best paralympic speaker for your next event.

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson

11 Time Paralympic Gold Medal Winner


Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson is a former paralympic wheelchair racer who has won 11 Gold medals throughout her long career.

Tanni was born with spina bifida, a type of neural tube defect, which means that she has been a lifelong wheelchair user. When interviewed by High Profiles, Tanni reveals that growing up with this medical condition was challenging as she was tagged “the disabled child”, which she disliked so spent a long time trying to convince others that being disabled did not make up her entire identity.

She did not adopt the limiting beliefs set on her by others, which has made her one of Britain’s most successful paralympic athletes breaking over 30 world records. Below is a video where Tanni reflects on her life and provides her take on limiting beliefs.

Tanni has retired from sport but has a wealth of stories and lessons she has learnt from her sporting career but more importantly she showcases how it’s possible to overcome adversity and achieve success in whatever you do. Therefore, making her the perfect paralympic speaker for your next event.

Richard Whitehead MBE

Paralympic and World Champion Athlete


Richard Whitehead MBE is a remarkable Paralympic athlete. Born with a congenital condition resulting in the absence of his lower limbs, Richard has faced immense challenges throughout his life.

However, his indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to his goals have propelled him to extraordinary heights. Richard has not only competed but excelled in the world of athletics, holding the world record for the T42 200m and winning gold in both the 2012 and 2016 Paralympic Games.

What sets Richard apart is not just his athletic prowess but also his ability to translate his experiences into compelling narratives as a speaker. With a charismatic and engaging speaking style, he captivates audiences with his personal journey, sharing insights into overcoming obstacles and embracing challenges. His unique ability to blend personal anecdotes with universal lessons makes him a sought-after speaker.

By inviting Richard Whitehead to your next event, you’re not just securing a Paralympic champion; you’re bringing in a speaker who will leave a lasting impact on your audience, motivating them to reach new heights in their personal and professional lives.

Hannah Cockroft OBE DL

Seven-time Paralympic Champion

Hannah Cockroft OBE DL

Hannah Cockroft OBE DL is a formidable force in the world of Paralympic athletics.

Born with cerebral palsy, Hannah has navigated life’s challenges with resilience and an unyielding spirit. Overcoming physical obstacles, she has become a dominant force in wheelchair racing, boasting multiple Paralympic gold medals and holding world records in the T34 classification. Hannah’s tenacity and drive have not only propelled her to the pinnacle of athletic success but have also transformed her into a powerful advocate for disability rights.

As a speaker, Hannah brings her compelling story to the stage, weaving a narrative that goes beyond the track. Her talks are a testament to the transformative power of determination, demonstrating how one can turn adversity into triumph. With a mix of humour, humility, and raw honesty, Hannah engages audiences of all backgrounds, leaving a lasting impression on the importance of self-belief and the limitless potential within each individual.

By choosing Hannah as the speaker for your next event, you’re not only inviting a decorated Paralympian but a charismatic and inspiring storyteller who will leave your audience motivated and ready to tackle their own challenges head-on.

Martine Wright MBE

Former Team GB Volleyball Paralympic Athlete

Martine Wright MBE

Martine Wright is a truly extraordinary individual whose story embodies the strength of the human spirit. Following a life-changing event during the 2005 London bombings, where she lost both her legs, Martine emerged as a symbol of resilience and hope.

Rather than succumbing to tragedy, she channelled her experience into an awe-inspiring journey of recovery, rebuilding her life with unwavering determination. Martine’s story extends beyond personal triumphs, as she went on to represent Team GB in sitting volleyball at the 2012 Paralympic Games. Below is a video of Martine Wright talking about her past and how sport has changed her life.

As a speaker, her talks really highlight the power of perspective and the ability to find strength in the face of unimaginable challenges. With a magnetic stage presence and a gift for connecting with diverse audiences, choosing Martine Wright as a speaker for your next event is an excellent choice.

David Smith

Paralympic Champion Rower

David Smith

David Smith is a famous Paralympian and inspirational speaker who embodies the spirit of triumph over adversity.

Facing the challenges of being born with a club foot, having a tumour in his spinal cord, and having a stroke that left him paralysed from the neck down, David’s journey to success is nothing short of remarkable. He not only pursued his passion for rowing but also rose to prominence as a multiple Paralympic gold medallist in the sport of rowing.

As a speaker, he shares his unique perspective on conquering personal hurdles and leveraging setbacks as stepping stones to success. His remarkable journey and eloquent storytelling make David an ideal choice to motivate the audience at your next event.

Darren Harris

Dual Paralympian

Darren Harris

Born with a visual impairment, Darren Harris has become a Paralympian in the sport of blind football who has not only excelled on the field but has become a symbol of triumph, breaking down barriers and changing perceptions.

What sets Darren apart is not just his athletic achievements but also his ability to translate his experiences into powerful narratives as a speaker. His talks are a captivating blend of personal anecdotes, motivational insights, and a profound perspective on the potential within every obstacle.

Darren’s engaging speaking style resonates with diverse audiences, making him a sought-after speaker for a range of events, including corporate meetings and educational seminars.

Danielle Brown MBE

Two Time Paralympic Gold Medallist

Danielle Brown

As a Paralympic archer with a multitude of accolades, including two gold medals, Danielle Brown has not only conquered the world stage but has also shattered stereotypes surrounding disability. Born with a disability, Danielle’s journey is a true embodiment of overcoming hardship.

Beyond her achievements in sport, Danielle has emerged as a compelling speaker, sharing insights into her journey and the lessons she has learned along the way. Her message also goes beyond the archery range, encouraging individuals to challenge their own limits, foster resilience, and celebrate the strength found in diversity, which is why she has made our list.

Oliver Lam-Watson

Paralympic Wheelchair Racer for Team GB

Oiver Lam Watson Headshot

Oliver Lam-Watson stands as a rising star in the world of adaptive sports, leaving an indelible mark with his remarkable achievements. In just a few years, Oliver has secured two Paralympic medals, a silver in team foil, and a bronze in team epee, both earned at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

His prowess extends beyond the Paralympic stage, with an impressive haul of three gold and three bronze medals at the 2022 World Cups in Warsaw, Thailand, and Pisa. Currently ranked first in the world, Oliver continues to showcase his extraordinary talent and determination, consistently adding to his collection of accolades.

Oliver goes beyond the track, dedicating his time to championing inclusivity and serving as an inspiring role model for aspiring young athletes facing physical limitations and challenges. Through his active engagement on social media, Oliver addresses questions about the barriers and stigmas disabled youth encounter, sharing insights from his own intricate journey with his disability.

Choosing Oliver Lam-Watson as a speaker for your next event means inviting not only a Paralympic champion but a passionate advocate for inclusivity and a beacon of inspiration for the next generation.

Book a Paralympic Speaker for Your Event Today

Now that you’ve been introduced to these incredible Paralympic speakers, each with a unique story of triumph and resilience, you might be eager to bring their inspiring narratives to your next event. The process of booking one of these speakers is easier than you might think, simply get in touch with the team at Evolve today to set the stage for an event that will be remembered for its inspiration and empowerment. Alternatively, check out our entire range of paralympic speakers if you would like more ideas.

About the author

Jo Foster

Senior Operations & Business Development Manager, Jo, has been in the industry for over six years. She has experience across a variety of areas, including talent management, logistics and administration,...

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