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Case Studies

Tommy Bowe and Genting Casino

To preview and discuss the giant Six Nations clash between England and Ireland Evolve provided former Ireland international Tommy Bowe for a number of interviews with journalists on behalf of Genting Casino. During these interviews, Tommy gave his opinion on the match as well as offering insight on Ireland’s campaign so far.

We partnered Irish rugby legend Tommy Bowe with Genting Casino to discuss the Six Nations match between England and Ireland.

During his highly successful rugby career, Tommy played 69 times for his country and also represented Ulster and Ospreys in the domestic game. This included playing a key role in the historic 2009 Six Nations Grand Slam win for Ireland – the first time they’d achieved the feat in more than 60 years. As well as this, he was part of the squad that won the Six Nations title in 2015, and competed in the World Cup in the same year.

Tommy participated in a number of interviews with journalists on the eve of the match, making contributions to City AM, Planet Rugby and the Irish Post.

Tommy was a huge success in this role, with his knowledge and expertise going down a treat with the various publications that interviewed him.

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Tommy Bowe

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